IMPORTANCE of WiFi Advertising
With the developing WiFi market now at its peak, WiFi hotspots have become the preferred medium for businesses to engage with their clients and increase their brand awareness.
One of the greatest things about offering Wi-Fi advertising at our Nairobi Commuter Rail - Nairobi Central Station is that by properly configuring your Ads splash page you can collect useful data, promote your brand, save on your advertising budget and target a niche group of users with customized advertisements and promotions, in order to encourage them to interact with your business.
Leverage on WiFi Advertising
Leverage on WiFi Advertising. Public WiFi at the NCR offers a much-wanted advertising service that most of your customers will benefit from. Since most of them are likely to connect to our free public WiFi network through WiFi hotspots in the station, It is the perfect medium to promote your business! This is the right moment to encourage customers to engage with your brand and to foster brand loyalty with your existing ones.
The idea behind WiFi advertising is that you can target the right audience, at the right time – likely, while on transit to or from work when they are willing to buy or share their feedback about your brand with their friends.